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statement in writing made on oath or

affirmation, in such form and containing

such information as the Controller may

from time to time determine, on the

progress of the housing development

which the housing developer is engaged

in, carries on or undertakes or causes to

be undertaken until the certificate of

completion and compliance have been

issued for all the housing accommodation

in that housing development;

(g) where he considers that he is likely to

become unable to meet his obligations to

the purchasers at any stage of the housing

development, before the issuance of the

certificate of fitness of completion and

compliance, forthwith inform the

Controller of such fact;

(h) undertake the following:

(i) within twenty-one days from the date

of receipt by the housing developer of

the certificate of completion and

compliance, submit such certificate to

the Controller; and

(ii) within twenty-one days after the date

of handing over of vacant possession

to the first purchaser of the housing

accommodation in the housing

development, inform the Controller

in writing of the handing over;

(i) inform the Controller of any refusal in the

issuance of the certificate of completion

and compliance;

(j) ensure that the development of the

housing accommodation has been carried

out in accordance with any requirements

prescribed under any law regulating

buildings and has exercised all such

diligence as may be required for the

issuance of the certificate of completion

and compliance and for the issuance and

transfer of the titles to the housing

accommodation to the purchasers; and


DECEMBER 5, 2014



week, our column highlighted the

fact that we have an adequate, in fact,

a most benevolent social legislation in

place – the Housing Development

(Control and Licensing) Act 1966, along with

its various regulations made thereunder.

Having briefly run through how the Build-

Then-Sell (BTS) systemwill deprive house

purchasers of complete legal housing

protection, and the fact that there is

sufficient legislative control, plus the

Housing Tribunal for Homebuyers Claims

where purchasers can put forward their

grievances and claims, this week, we analyse

the housing developers’ duties.

Duties of a licensed housing developer

includes the following:

(a) within four weeks of the making of any

alterations in or to any of the documents

submitted to the Controller under

subsection 5 (3), furnish to the Controller

written particulars of the alterations;

(b) exhibit at all times in a conspicuous

position in any office and branch office of

the licensed housing developer and at

any other place where a sale of housing

accommodation is conducted, a copy of

his licence, advertisement and sale

permit and a copy of his last audited

balance-sheet as soon as the same is

available and such information as the

present or former full name, usual

residential address, nationality,

nationality of origin (where the present

nationality is not that of origin), business

or occupation (if any) of each person who

has the control and management of the

business of the licensed housing

developer and particulars of any other

directorship held by that person;

(c) keep or cause to be kept in his office in

West Malaysia such accounting and other

records as will sufficiently explain the

transactions and the financial position of

the licensed housing developer and

enable true and fair profit and loss

accounts and balance-sheets and any

documents required to be attached

thereto to be prepared from time to time,

and shall cause these records to be kept in

such manner as to enable them to be

conveniently and properly audited;

(d) annually appoint an auditor or auditors in

the manner required under section 9;

(e) within six months after the close of the

financial year of the licensed housing

developer in question, send to the

Controller and also publish in the

Gazette, a copy of the report of the

auditor prepared under section 9

together with a copy of his balance-sheet

and profit and loss account;

(f) not later than the 21st day of January and

the 21st day of July of each year or at such

frequency as may be determined by the

Controller from time to time or upon the

request of the Controller, send to the

Controller a correct and complete



(k) inform the Controller of the progress in

the issuance of separate or strata titles

for the housing accommodation and the

transfer of such titles to the purchasers at

such frequency as may be determined by

the Controller beginning from the date of

the handing over of vacant possession to

the first purchaser of the housing

accommodation in the housing

development until the separate or strata

titles for all the housing accommodation

have been issued.



No advertisement or sale shall be made by

any licensed housing developer without an

advertisement and sale permit having first

been obtained from the Controller.

Any advertisement and sale shall be in

accordance with the advertisement and sale

permit as approved by the Controller. (Reg

5).This means that no advertisement can be

carried out, including registration exercises,

unless that advertisement is first submitted

to the Controller of Housing for approval.

The following mandatory information

have to be provided in all advertisements,


(1) any advertisement (other than those

conveyed by means of broadcast sound

receivers or through television receivers)

made by any licensed housing developer

shall include the following particulars:

(a) the housing developer’s licence

number and validity date;

(b) the advertisement and sale permit

number and validity date;

(c) the name and address of the licensed

housing developer and his authorised

agent, power of attorney holder or

project management company, if any,

as approved by the Controller;

(d) the tenure of the land if the land is

leasehold, its expiry date, restriction

in interest and encumbrances, if any,

to which the land is subject;

(e) the description of the proposed

housing accommodation;

(ea) any parking lot which is an

accessory parcel to the housing

accommodation in a parcel and

which does not form part of the

common property of the


(f) the name of the housing development,

if any;

(g) the expected date of completion of

the proposed housing development;

(h) the selling price of each type of

housing accommodation;

(ha) where applicable, the minimum and

maximum selling price of each type

of housing accommodation;

(i) the number of units of each type

available; and

(j) the name of the appropriate authority

approving the building plans and the

reference number.

(Reg 6)

Email your feedback and queries




Duty to open and operate a housing

development account

Section 7A of the Act requires all

developers to open and maintain a

Housing Development Account, unless

the developer is implementing a “Build

& Sell” system, with a bank or a

financing company for each housing

development undertaken by him. There

is also a strict regime on what ought to

be deposited and withdrawn.



Every contract of sale and purchase (SPA)

of a housing accommodation, together with

the subdivided portion of land appurtenant

thereto shall be in the formprescribed in

Schedule G andwhere the contract of sale is

for the sale and purchase of a housing

accommodation in a subdivided building,

it shall be in the formprescribed in

Schedule H.

No housing developer shall collect any

payment bywhatever name called except as

prescribed by the contract of sale. (Reg 11)



BHD [1985] 1 CLJ 131 Mohamed Azmi FCJ

“If you have required your homebuyer to

sign a contract that supplements the Sales and

Purchase Agreement, it bemay be an offence

as there can only be one agreement between

homebuyer andDeveloper.”

“... the parties may not contract out of the

contract and to do so is an open defiance of

the Housing Developers legislation”.

This standardisation of SPA is themost

effective way to ensure that purchaser’s rights

are protected. In a BTS system, there will be

no standard SPA to accord protection. Hence,

there will be calls for a Fair Housing Act.


>Principal duties of a licenseddeveloper

